Discussing the Geometry teaching: a proposal for regular polyhedron teaching


  • Maira Mendias Lauro UNINOVE, São Paulo




Ensino de geometria. Poliedros regulares. Proposta de ação pedagógica.


In Geometry classes, in general, there is no articulation between the processes related to perception with those ones that the theorists name conception. In this work, we consider that are very important, in all levels of education, the articulation between the perception and the conception and, together with it, between two other dimensions of the dynamics of the process of construction of the geometric knowledge – the construction and the representation. The first one concerns to the elaboration of materials in physical way, and the second one, to reproduction, by drawing, of perceived or constructed objects. Starting from this theoretical framework, we propose a set of activities with the subject “regular polyhedron”, to be applied in classroom. These activities were elaborated in accordance with the PCNs (National Curriculum Parameters), which establish the articulation between perception, construction, representation and conception.


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Author Biography

Maira Mendias Lauro, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Mestranda em Educação [Ensino de Ciências e Matemática] – USP; Professora na graduação – Uninove.



How to Cite

LAURO, Maira Mendias. Discussing the Geometry teaching: a proposal for regular polyhedron teaching. Dialogia, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 177–188, 2009. DOI: 10.5585/dialogia.v7i2.1026. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uninove.br/dialogia/article/view/1026. Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


