Literature hardware, reading software: literary works as pedagogical tools in the learning process




education, literature, technologies


There is, without a doubt, a relevant interference of technological development in social relations in general, and in school relations, in particular. Aware, therefore, of the existence of fast information in circulation, not always of quality, why not invest in the construction of educational and awareness networks? It is from this proposition, therefore, that we take the opportunity to raise an important but often overlooked question: In this brave new world, what would be the relevance of literature in the cultural and intellectual formation of young people in school activities? Our hypothesis, therefore, is that, as literature is a cultural asset, whose value proves to be inestimable for society, it naturally has the power to contribute greatly to the development of students, not only aesthetically, but also equally cognitive. Therefore, reading provides a form of integration. In these terms, literature effectively proves to be a useful and effective tool for any and all types of learning; an affable teaching instrument that, combined with the aforementioned irredeemable technology, has the capacity to equally meet the demand of this entire new generation of students, for non-linear and multifocal reasoning. It is known that there is a fine line between the real and the fictional. In this sense, not only all types of social studies, but all forms of knowledge must be connected to literature and, through digital media, an integration mechanism must be formed between students and society. By way of conclusion, it is possible to reach a consensus that literary studies are not only of interest to linguists (Leahy-Dios, 2004). They are, in fact, as fundamentally relevant to education as it is to the cause of teaching/learning to think.



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Author Biographies

José Eustáquio Romão, Universidade Nove de Julho

PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor and Director of the Postgraduate Program in Education at Universidade Nove de Julho (PPGE-UNINOVE) and Secretary General of the World Council of Paulo Freire Institutes. São Paulo – SP – Brasil

Claudio Gomes de Araujo Junior , Universidade Nove de Julho

PhD student in Education at Nove de Julho University (PPGE-UNINOVE). Master in Literature from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM). Specialist in Public Law. Guest professor in several server training courses. Legal advisor at the Federal Public Ministry. Member of the research group on discourse analysis, history and teaching (GPADHE). São Paulo – SP – Brasil


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How to Cite

ROMÃO, José Eustáquio; ARAUJO JUNIOR , Claudio Gomes de. Literature hardware, reading software: literary works as pedagogical tools in the learning process. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 70, p. e26508, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n70.26508. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.