Comparison Project Management Practices in Industry Auto Parts


  • Jose Fernando Pereira Junior Fundação Pedro Leopoldo
  • Jose Antonio de Sousa Neto Fundação Pedro Leopoldo



Management, Project, Advanced Product Quality, Product.


The auto parts, according to their main client, the assembly of vehicles, are dozens of projects each year that range in complexity and size. The observation of these companies shows that most of the time failures are observed with typical problems of project management, poorly developed scopes, delays, communication problems, quality, cash flow and so on. If you look at the auto parts and his influence in the auto industry, we could observe the existence of structured practices for managing projects of new products, which of course are to ensure the proper management of projects and consequently the achievement of goals set. This report aims to compare two practices in a simplified form of project management, The APQP which is used by the automotive industry and auto parts and prepared by the PMBOK in wide use in the market.


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Author Biographies

Jose Fernando Pereira Junior, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Mestre em administração pela FPL-MG, MBA em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela FGV e Bacharel em Administração de Empresas pela PUC-MG. Consultor e professor nas áreas de gerenciamento de projetos e logística.

Jose Antonio de Sousa Neto, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Doutor em Accounting and Finance - PhD. The University of Birmingham, BBS, Grã-Bretanha. Professor e pesquisador da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo, professor da Escola de Engenharia de Minas Gerais (EMGE) e professor convidado da Fundação Dom Cabral.



How to Cite

Pereira Junior, J. F., & Sousa Neto, J. A. de. (2016). Comparison Project Management Practices in Industry Auto Parts. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 4(1), 50–62.



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