Understanding the perception of potential consumers of cultured meat using free word association





Cultivated Meat, Social Representations, Free Word Association, Consumer perception


Objective: The study seeks to understand the current perception of potential consumers about cultivated meat and what dimensions affect this perception.

Method: A total of 751 Brazilian consumers completed the task of associating words with cultivated meat. The triggered words were systematized and analyzed by using as a support  the IRAMUTEQ software and from the perspective of the Social Representations theory.

Originality: The study expands both theoretically and empirically the understanding of the potential of cultivated meat and identifies the influences that may impact the decision of consuming the meat or not.

Results: The evocations of the participants induce complex and in some cases antagonistic representations. Although 75% of respondents declare their interest in tasting the cultivated meat, the most frequent entries express a trend for technological advancement, just as they maintain a fear for what they consider unnatural. Sustainability and health benefits were mentioned as positive points.

Contributions: Due to the lack of empirical works on the subject in the Brazilian context, and the growing proximity of the launch of this product on the market, this study deepens the existing knowledge and provides empirical support for subsequent studies.


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Author Biographies

Maurílio Barbosa de Oliveira da Silva, State University of Campinas – UNICAMP

Master of Business Administration


Christiano França da Cunha, State University of Campinas – UNICAMP

Doctor of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Barbosa de Oliveira da Silva, M., & França da Cunha, C. (2023). Understanding the perception of potential consumers of cultured meat using free word association. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(5), 1527–1573. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v21i5.18560