Call for Papers 2021 - Special Edition 2022 (Closed)


Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management


 Call for Papers 2021 - Special Edition




Editorial team:

Profa. Dra. Heidy Rodriguez Ramos (Editor - UNINOVE)

Prof. Dr. Christian Daniel Falaster (Co-editor - FURB)

Prof. Dr. Ivano Ribeiro (Associate Editor - UNIOESTE)

Editorial assistant:

Gabryela Medeiros (UNINOVE)


Cristiane Monteiro (UNINOVE)

CRB / 8-7474

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the most diverse economic sectors, leading many organizations to experience a reduction in their income, profound changes in their structures and / or in the way they act in the market. In our recent editorials we try to encourage research on strategy that will address this unique moment faced by organizations, a scenario that still presents many uncertainties and challenges for management. In those editorials we address: How can management academics contribute to research on the Covid-19 crisis? (Falaster, Martins, Storopoli, & Ramos, 2020); The dilemma between cutting or investing: Strategic actions to face the crisis caused by Covid-19 (Pinto, Ribeiro, Cirani, Storopoli, & Ramos, 2020); and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on organizations: a look to the future (Backes, Arias, Storopoli, & Ramos, 2020).

Research related to moments of crisis and its impacts is manifold. Crisis like the Asian crisis of 1997; the crisis resulting from the attack of September 11, 2001; the crisis caused by the 2011 tsunami in Japan; or the migration crisis of 2015 have devastating effects that must be understood (Bansal, Kim, & Wood, 2018; Wenzel, Stanske, & Lieberman, 2021). Considering the dimension of the current crisis, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an emergency of investigations that help, not only to understand its impacts, but also in the identification of the possible actions necessary for its confrontation.

In addition to the immediate challenges of maintaining their activities, organizations also need to balance their medium and long-term decisions (Chadwick, Hunter, & Walston, 2004). In this way, we believe that it is an opportune moment to promote new research, mainly addressing the confrontation and strategic responses to crises and uncertainties in the organizational context. For this special edition, we encourage, above all, research that advances the field discussions of human actions and the role of individuals in the face of crisis and uncertainties. Research can, but is not restricted to, address these major topics of interest, among which the following stand out:

Topics of interest:

- Behavioral aspects and strategy;

- Crisis and organizational performance;

- Responses and strategic changes

- Teams and composition;

- Conflict and consensus;

- Strategic decision making.



Papers must be submitted in accordance with the journal's requirements, following the standards outlined in the "Guidelines for authors" section. Original manuscripts must be submitted using the the IJSM submission system at <Online Submissions>. The authors must indicate in the proposal that it is the special edition "STRATEGIC RESPONSES TO CRISIS AND UNCERTAINTIES".


Important dates:

Deadline for Submition: 01/16/2022

Results for the first round of review: 04/29/2022

Publication: 06/30/2022

Questions regarding this special edition can be directed to the e-mail:



Backes, D. A. P., Arias, M. I., Storopoli, J. E., & Ramos, H. R. (2020). Os efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 sobre as organizações: um olhar para o futuro. Editorial. Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management (IJSM), 19(4), 1-10.

Bansal, P., Kim, A., & Wood, M. O. (2018). Hidden in plain sight: The importance of scale in organizations‘ attention to issues. Academy of Management Review, 43(2), 217–241.

Chadwick, C., Hunter, L. W., & Walston, S. L. (2004). Effects of downsizing practices on the performance of hospitals. Strategic Management Journal, 25(5), 405–427.

Falaster, C., Martins, F. S., Storopoli, J. E., & Ramos, H. R. (2020). How can management scholars contribute with research in the Covid-19 crisis? Editorial. Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management (IJSM), 19(2), 1-5.

Pinto, R. F., Ribeiro, I., Cirani, C. B., Storopoli, J. E., & Ramos, H. R. (2020). Cortar ou investir? Ações estratégicas para enfrentar a crise provocada pela Covid-19. Editorial. Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management (IJSM), 19(3), 1-5.

Wenzel, M., Stanske, S., & Lieberman, M. (2021). Strategic responses to crisis. Strategic Management Journal, 42(2), 16-27.