Model of location and allocation of e-commerce products: a case study




Distribution, Location-allocation, E-commerce, Integer programming


The distribution of e-commece products presents a gap in the literature with regard to mathematical models that deal with this instance under the focus of combinatorial allocation optimization in multicapacitated facilities. This study aims to develop a mathematical model of integer linear programming, capable of optimizing the location and allocation of products from e-commerce. The method, for the development and application of the model, was based on the case study of a company that operates in the sale of hammocks, present in electronic commerce B2C (Business to Consumers). The main results obtained were: an average of 39.1% optimization in the company's real scenario, and the absence of flaws in the generation of reports in the day-to-day operation. It is concluded that the model presented consistent solutions and it is suggested that it can be applied in similar instances, as well as including new features in future studies.


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Author Biography

Natalia Varela da Rocha Kloeckner, Universidade de São Paulo (USP) – São Paulo (SP)

Economista pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Administradora pela Universidade Estácio de Sá/RJ (UNESA). MBA em Varejo e Mercado de Consumo pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Mestrado em Gestão Logística e Pesquisa Operacional pela UFC. Atualmente é doutoranda em Administração, área de operações, na USP


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How to Cite

Kloeckner, N. V. da R. (2023). Model of location and allocation of e-commerce products: a case study. Exacta, 21(2), 479–502.