The use of sanitary landfill to disposal of solid wastes generated in large urban areas: Bandeirantes’ Sanitary Landfill


  • Adriana Hélia Caseiro UNINOVE, São Paulo
  • Luciana Quitho



Aterro sanitário. Legislação ambiental. Meio ambiente. Resíduos sólidos.


The present article discusses the environmental problems that take place in large urban areas thanks to the great volume of solid wastes that has been gener¬ated for the last two decades. This work emphasizes the Bandeirantes’ Sanitary Landfill, launched in the middle of 1979, in Perus, on the outskirts of São Paulo. Considered to be a model of sanitary landfill by both international and national authorities, this kind of entrepreneurship was considered by German specialists as a remarkable and well-succeed example of environment protection besides di¬minishing or even halting any negative impacts on public health. What is notice¬able in this entrepreneurship is the fact that it is now being implanted a system for reusing the gas generated in the sanitary landfill by changing it into energy. It is a positive factor, for it is possible now to reuse a material that used to be completely disposed.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Hélia Caseiro, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Engenheira Química. Especialista em Saneamento Ambiental – Mackenzie; Mestranda em Saneamento Básico – Escola Politécnica (USP); Professora nos cursos de Engenharia Civil e Engenharia de Produção Mecânica – Uninove.

Luciana Quitho

Bacharel em Engenharia Civil – Uninove.



How to Cite

Caseiro, A. H., & Quitho, L. (2008). The use of sanitary landfill to disposal of solid wastes generated in large urban areas: Bandeirantes’ Sanitary Landfill. Exacta, 2, 191–202.



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