Facilities management in the Unit II of the Centro Universitário Feevale, Novo hambugo (RS)


  • Marisa Freitas Furtado UNINOVE, São Paulo
  • Reginaldo Macedônio da Silva Feevale
  • Álison Silveira da Silva Feevale
  • Jésun Rigotto Carpeggiani Feevale




Espaços. Geoprocessamento. Gerenciamento.


The development of the Centro Universitário Feevale and the concerns about keeping the physical structure of the university and its resources actualized are the aim of this work, which treats about how to manage information with the use of Geoprocessing. The results of this information management were gathered through the software Archibus/FM. Until now, the system was implanted in the sector named Setor de Apoio (Support Sector), in which the collaborators are bringing up to date and managing the general information about the equipment. Moreover, layouts of all the buildings of the university can be modifi ed in the software Overlay, which makes a link between the graphical database and the alphanumerical database. Because of this permanent actualization, it is possible to create specific reports with precise data. Therefore, to achieve an excellent performance of this new tool, it is necessary a permanent updating and register process of more information about the University’s infrastructure. Thus, we’ll have better agility in services for making decisions.


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Author Biographies

Marisa Freitas Furtado, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Mestre em Engenharia de Transportes – EESS-USP; Professora na graduação – Uninove.

Reginaldo Macedônio da Silva, Feevale

Mestre em Engenharia Ambiental – Feevale.

Álison Silveira da Silva, Feevale

Graduando em Engenharia Mecânica – Feevale.

Jésun Rigotto Carpeggiani, Feevale

Graduando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Feevale.



How to Cite

Furtado, M. F., Silva, R. M. da, Silva, Álison S. da, & Carpeggiani, J. R. (2008). Facilities management in the Unit II of the Centro Universitário Feevale, Novo hambugo (RS). Exacta, 3, 95–102. https://doi.org/10.5585/exacta.v3i0.637


