Strategic planning of a small company using importance-performance and criterion-process matrices


  • Bruno Miranda Dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Guilherme Niederauer Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Leoni Pentiado Godoy Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Matheus Fernando Moro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Camila Candida Compagnoni dos Reis Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



5w2h. Criterion-process matrix. Importance-performance matrix, Strategic planning.


Strategic planning is considered a key management tool in the resolving existing problems in organizations. From this perspective, the objective is to propose a strategic plan for a small company that provides pest extermination services. For the collection of information, we applied a questionnaire to 54 of the company’s customers and interviewed as well the company’s manager. We used importance-performance and criterion-process matrices to determine the customers’ opinions regarding the qualifying criteria of the company’s services. We found that the price set by the company generates dissatisfaction among customers. The processes that reflected on the performance of the service price were identified in order to improve them. Finally, we elaborated an action plan in 5W2H analysis format with proposals for improvements in the efficiency of the processes.


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How to Cite

Dos Santos, B. M., Niederauer, G., Godoy, L. P., Moro, M. F., & dos Reis, C. C. C. (2016). Strategic planning of a small company using importance-performance and criterion-process matrices. Exacta, 14(4), 619–634.