Quality analysis in a university restaurant through the SERVQUAL tool


  • André Muritiba Araújo UNVASF
  • João Marques de Melo Filho UNIVASF
  • Rodrigo Jambeiro Pinto UNIVASF
  • Wendell Ramon Barbosa Machado UNIVASF
  • Ana Cristina Gonçalves Castro Silva UNIVASF




University Restaurant. SERVQUAL. Quality. Service.


The service sector stands out worldwide as one of the biggest income generators, which indicates itself dealing with an increasingly dynamic and competitive environment, the linked quality to this acts as a market differentiator and directly influences the survival of company. This work, therefore, used a model adaptation SERVQUAL aiming to measure the quality of services provided by a University Restaurant. A questionnaire was developed and applied as seeking to evaluate differences between how expectations and perceptions of customers with a service respect, and after one collection and data analysis, identify the profile and ratings sample studied. As director noted result was found that the diversity do menu, compliance with the specifications of the notice, consideration suggestions and training queues had the worst GAPs, indicating an imminent need for improvements deployment to minimize the gaps between expected and perceived service.


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. M., Melo Filho, J. M. de, Pinto, R. J., Machado, W. R. B., & Silva, A. C. G. C. (2017). Quality analysis in a university restaurant through the SERVQUAL tool. Exacta, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v15n4.6956