Information system for planning and production control process: case study applied to a confectionery industry


  • Ricardo Luis Barcelos SENAC
  • Paula Regina Honorato Silva SENAC
  • Regiane Corrêa Nandi Senac
  • Jean Paquelin Pereira Senac



Information Systems. Planning and Production Control. Business Process Management.


Barboza, Costa and Gonçalves (2015) consider that information systems support logistics activities and contribute to the integration of processes, but that the lack of specific solutions leads organizations to use alternative measures generating inefficient or expected results. It is what is observed in the organization object of this study, the lack of an Information System (SI) efficient to the management of inventory of inputs that can avoid emergency purchases that burden the productive costs. Therefore, the objective of this work was to suggest a process model that allows the SI to reduce inventory uncertainties, allowing an efficient Production Planning and Control (PCP). Carried out the case study through field research, tabulation, modeling and analysis of process flows through the Business Process Diagram (BPD), the research suggested changes in the process flows that guarantee the efficient traffic of information that enables an efficient PCP.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Luis Barcelos, SENAC

Bacharel em Administração pela ÚNICA- SOCIESC (2005), Mestre em Administração pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI (2015). Executivo da área de distribuição a mais de 15 anos, com passagens por empresas como AmBev, MasterFoods, Del Valle e Danone. Possui experiência em planejamento e gestão de distribuição de bens de consumo ao varejo. Docente no SENAC/SC nas áreas de estratégia e gestão ministrando as disciplinas de Processos organizacionais, Processos Logísticos, Funções Gerenciais e Fundamentos da Produção.

Paula Regina Honorato Silva, SENAC

Graduando em Processos Gerenciais

Regiane Corrêa Nandi, Senac

Graduando em Processos Gerenciais

Jean Paquelin Pereira, Senac

Graduando em Processos Gerenciais



How to Cite

Barcelos, R. L., Silva, P. R. H., Nandi, R. C., & Pereira, J. P. (2017). Information system for planning and production control process: case study applied to a confectionery industry. Exacta, 15(4).