Analysis of Implementation of Experiential Programme in Project Management in University Courses
Project Management. Experiential Learning. Business Games. Simulator.Abstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the implementation of an Experiential Program in Project Management (EPPM) for practical training in Business Administration graduation and specialization. The research is based on experiential learning, project management and business games theories that subsidized the structure of analysis from the indication of essential analytical factors. It was used a case study as a research strategy and it was implemented the participant observation in order to understand the opinions about the experience. The study was carried out in three Project Management subjects of the 6th semester Business Administration graduation, covering 71 students, and in a specialization course in Business Logistics with 25 participants. In its phases, it is described the elaboration of the educational program with the adjustments of the simulator Project Management Simulation (PMS-SIM), the teaching materials and the application of the program in short and long duration formats. The analyses of the participants' opinions indicated the contribution of the program to the practice of management, bringing benefits to the area of managerial education, such as the proposal of a technological resource, PMS-SIM organizational simulator and EPPM as an alternative to conventional models of education, which allow the practice of concepts and the development of skills.References
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