Connections between moral judgment and biological determinants of behavior in corporate governance




Corporate Governance, Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, Biological Determinants of Behavior


This article analyzes antisocial or unethical behavior in the context of Corporate Governance, guided by the need of monitoring its effects with its own instruments, in light of the advances in this field of knowledge. When advocating its proper validation, it is postulated the need to consider the different aspects of human behavior in relation to judgment processes. In this sense, the objective is to identify the theoretical connections between the moral judgment and ethical organizational behavior, verifying a gap in relation to existing regulations. The research’s methodology is descriptive of an exploratory nature, using the mixed approach – qualitative and quantitative, starting with a bibliometric research to identify previous researches and review the relevant literature to moral judgment in the light of organizational behavior. The literature findings show that the individual's moral judgment is influenced by genetic, socioenvironmental and biosocial factors, which influence behavior through moral judgment. Field data were collected using a validated measurement scale developed by other authors and adapted to the local context. It was not possible to conclude about the possible differences in utilitarian moral judgment in the behavior of professionals in the commercial area. Regarding the age, a trend towards deontological behavior was confirmed for the older sample and a utilitarian trend for the male sample. Based on this evidence, new hypotheses are suggested that are relevant to the development of theory in this field of knowledge, in addition to highlighting the need by Corporate Governance to create their own validation methods and appropriate policies.

Author Biography

Roberto Godoy Fernandes, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU

Mestrando em Administração em Governança Corporativa (2019). Pesquisador das áreas de Marketing, Neuromarketing, Neuroética, Governança Corporativa, Sustentabilidade e Administração. Possui Pós-graduação MBA em Marketing (2017) e Mestrando em Tecnologia Nuclear - Reatores (créditos completos - 2012). Possui Graduação em Engenharia Mecatrônica ênfase Controle e Automação (2008), Especialização em Engenharia de Sistemas Prediais nos Estados Unidos (2007), e Técnico em Eletrônica (1996). Docente da disciplina de Gestão de Marketing na Unicamp FCA em Limeira (Professor Convidado). Docente da disciplina de Empreendedorismo e Inovação na Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Professor Convidado). Mentor Convidado dos Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso na FMU dos cursos de MBA em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, MBA em Gestão Estratégica do Capital Humano e MBA em Pedagogia Empresarial. Educador Voluntário - Fundação IOSHPE na Siemens para disciplinas de administração.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, R. G., & Cohen, E. D. (2020). Connections between moral judgment and biological determinants of behavior in corporate governance. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 11(3), 155–184.
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