Job satisfaction and employability: a comparative study with professionals who work in agile or traditional projects
Project management, Agile methods, Job satisfaction, Employability.Abstract
The purpose of the present study is to compare the job satisfaction and perceived employability of professionals who work on projects with agile or traditional methods. A quantitative survey was conducted with the participation of 277 project professionals employed in public and private organizations of different sizes and sectors of the economy. The hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that professionals working on agile projects, compared to those working on traditional projects, are more satisfied at work in general and in relation to management methodology, learning opportunities, ability to influence decisions, workload, and relationships with other project members. In addition, the perceived employability of professionals working in agile projects was significantly higher than those working in traditional projects The study contributes to the literature on satisfaction and employability in the context of project management, topics that are still under-researched, especially in Brazilian organizations. From a practical standpoint, it brings evidence regarding potential advantages associated with the adoption of agile methodologies, both for project professionals and organizations.
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