Delivery validations on products developed with agile methods in an Edtech startup




Agile methodology, Scrum, Validation of deliveries.


The purpose of the study is to understand the validation of deliverables and subsequent prioritization of scope, as well as acting on opportunities for improvement in these decisions making processes using agile methods in an Edtech startup. To achieve the results, we conducted a quantitative survey with the employees of the company's technology team. The results indicate that there are opportunities to involve and engage teams more, especially those related to data management, generating more value for the product user, in addition to better application of agile, validations with users and innovation.


Author Biographies

Mariana Yumi Takada, Coordinator of the professional master's degree in management at Unib

MBA em Gestão de Projetos pela ESALQ-USP, Gerente de Produto

Patricia Mari Matsuda, Centro Universitário FEI.

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Professora Adjunta II no Centro Universitário FEI

Maria Laura Ferranty Maclennan, Universidade Ibirapuera - UNIB.

Doutora em Administração na Universidade de São Paulo, mestre em gestão internacional pela ESPM SP, graduada em administração pela Universidade de São Paulo. Coordenadora do Mestrado profissional na UNIB


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How to Cite

Takada, M. Y., Matsuda, P. M., & Ferranty Maclennan, M. L. (2022). Delivery validations on products developed with agile methods in an Edtech startup. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 13(1), 77–98.