Innovation project management: an empirical analysis based on action research




Management of Innovation projects, Innovation, Project Management, Development of new products, Automotive industry, Project Diamond


With the world becoming more and more dynamic and competitive, the demand for innovation projects has been pressing. As a way of contributing to this field, this research aims to understand how the development and management of an innovative project in the automotive industry took place, in the Brazilian subsidiary of a French multinational, based on action research. The theoretical lens was the analytical framework called “Project Diamond”, structured in four dimensions: levels of novelty, technology, complexity, and time constraint. Methodologically, action research was used, of a qualitative nature, which took place within a French multinational, market leader and supplier of auto parts to the main automakers in the world. As a result, the research shows the company's positioning and the complexity of the problem in the industry context, showing that the project, based on the implemented changes, generated innovation, and efficiency. The innovation obtained was of the derivative novelty type, of medium technology, of systemic complexity and of a fast/competitive pace. Effects were presented in four dimensions: efficiency, impact for the client, financial results, and impact for society. The results show that the theoretical model of the “Project Diamond” limits the understanding of the phenomenon, as it does not explain the role of “people” in its dimensions, depending on the relational level. It is suggested, therefore, an expansion of this four-dimensional model of project management, to incorporate a sociotechnical perspective of analysis – people and their relationships.

Author Biographies

Daniel Rodrigues da Silva Neto, Universidade da Amazônia – UNAMA

Mestre e Doutor em Administração - PPAD/UNAMA

Graciella Martignago, MUST University

Docente na MUST University - Florida/EUA

Solange Maria da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Docente na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), vinculada ao Departamento de Ciências da Administração (CAD).


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How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva Neto, D., Martignago, G., & da Silva, S. M. (2023). Innovation project management: an empirical analysis based on action research. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 14(2), 1–30.