Use of the AHP method in a project to select a marketing agency in a B2B company




AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Marketing digital, B2B, project


The essence of operations research is to help decision makers in solving problems. This paper aims to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assist a business to business (B2B) company in selecting one of four marketing agencies for hiring. The intention of this company with this hiring is to expand its digital channels and strengthen its external communication with periodic posts on its social networks (mainly LinkedIn) focused on inbound marketing (also called attraction marketing), and restructure its website, which is outdated, to attract new customers and employees. The criteria that were considered were cost, each agency’s portfolio, technical expertise and relationship with employees. The four agencies had their names hidden, and the agency that obtained greater weight in relation to the objective was Agency 1. The results were satisfactory, the AHP method proved to be efficient, easy to apply, quick to execute and flexible.


Author Biographies

Lucas Circeli Barbieri Santin, Universidade de Araraquara - UNIARA


Marcelo Seido Nagano, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Engenheiro Mecânico-mecatrônica, Mestre e Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, Pós-doutor em Matemática e Computação Aplicada pelo Laboratório Associado de Computação e Matemática Aplicada do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Atualmente é Pesquisador e Bolsista de Produtividade e Pesquisa do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Circeli Barbieri Santin, L., Scarduelli Pacheco, B. C., & Seido Nagano, M. (2023). Use of the AHP method in a project to select a marketing agency in a B2B company. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 14(2), 174–195.



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