The Project methodologies to attend regulatory requirements: A study with project managers in the national banking sector




Project management methodologies, Hybrid method, Financial institutions


The banking sector faces a competitive and complex environment, characterized by rapid and constant changes due to the emergence of innovative technologies. This scenario demands that banks adapt quickly and develop new information systems. Some products and services most impacted by these changes include: Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, PIX, Open Banking, Cybersecurity, among others. A portion of the projects banks undertake aims to comply with new regulations, giving them particular characteristics. This study aimed to characterize the most used methodologies for implementing information system modules required by new regulations for the national banking sector. The research was exploratory, and data was collected through interviews with seven project managers working in the major national banks. It has been observed that management methodologies such as waterfall and scrum are still not sufficient for all projects. It was possible to identify in this study that, in practice, project managers adopt a hybrid approach when managing these projects. However, they adapt to practices and processes that best fit the specific needs of the project and the organization, without necessarily explicitly integrating two distinct methodologies but rather using combinations within the same method.


Author Biographies

Agnaldo Gonçalves, City University of São Caetano do Sul

PhD Candidate (in progress) in Production Engineering at Universidade Paulista (UNIP); CAPES PhD Scholarship holder; Master’s in Business Administration from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS); Specialization in Information Security Management from the University of São Paulo - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN/USP); Professor of the MBA/MIS/MIT Graduate Programs in Information Technology and Project Management at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS); Information Security Specialist focused on Risk Management and Strategic Project Implementation at Itaú Unibanco.

Marco Antonio Pinheiro da Silveira , City University of São Caetano do Sul

Post doctorate in Business Administration from FEA-USP (2005), PhD in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP (2002), Master's degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP (1997. Coordinator of the USCS Periodicals Committee. Editor of the journal Gestão & Regionalidade for 9 years and Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Program during the same period. He was Manager of the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA-USCS) between August/2014 and December/2015. Develops research in the area of ​​Business Networks, Knowledge Management and Information Technology.

Carla Bonato Marcolin, Federal University of Uberlândia

Has a doctorate and master's degree in Administration from UFRGS, with a split period at Oxofrd Brookes University in Oxford/United Kingdom. She completed a post-doctoral internship at FGV, and is currently a professor at the Faculty of Management and Business (FAGEN) at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Head of LiA², Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( Researcher in the field of AI and specialist in analytics and natural language processing techniques."

Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, City University of São Caetano do Sul

Post-Doctorate (in progress) in International Relations at San Tiago Dantas (UNESP-UNICAMP-PUC/SP); PhD in Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Business Administration of São Paulo (FGV EAESP); CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship - Level 2; Professor of the Graduate Program in Administration-Masters and Doctorate (PPGA) at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS).


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, A., Silveira , M. A. P. da, Marcolin, C. B., & Kubo, E. K. de M. (2024). The Project methodologies to attend regulatory requirements: A study with project managers in the national banking sector. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 15(3), 625–650.
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