Perception of Theattributes of a Professional of Innovation by Operation and Maintenance of a Thermal Power Plant: A Case for Technology Transfer to Focus On End Users


  • Fabricio Baron Mussi Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Kleber Cuissi Canuto Universidade Federal do Paraná



Technology Transfer, Distributed Control System, Thermoelectric Power Plant.


To attend Brazil‘s energy demands, considering the typical seasonality of Brazilian climates conditions, part of the energy available in the national electrical system has been generated from natural gas power plant (in the most recent years). This paper analyses a case of technology transfer with focus on end-users, observing theirs perception in relation to attributes of technological tool installed, a control and monitoring system. The case, developed in a thermoelectric power plant, has four organizations participants: the thermoelectric power plant that bought the technology, the company that will operate with the new technology, a research institution that helped out on the selection process and adjustments of technological tool to local necessities and the international supplier of the technology. This work used qualitative and quantitative methodology to arrive its purpose. Between the findings, there are some differences on perception of attributes for some users groups. Given the relevance of technological tool acquired, it‘s possible that communications actions and technical trainings would be necessaries to ensure that users know all the functionalities of new system, its advantages in relation to previous system and its compatibility with power plant‘s technical process. The technological dependency of foreign companies and necessities of adjustments to schedule of technological tool installation contributed for a partial transference of the technology observed, demanding future researches to check the overcoming of these limitations.


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How to Cite

Mussi, F. B., & Canuto, K. C. (2012). Perception of Theattributes of a Professional of Innovation by Operation and Maintenance of a Thermal Power Plant: A Case for Technology Transfer to Focus On End Users. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 3(3), 28–57.