Knowledge Management in Organizations of Projects Oriented


  • Ana Carolina Messias Shinoda Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.
  • Antonio Cesar Amaru Maximiano FEA-USP
  • Roberto Sbragia Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.



Knowledge Management, Project Management, Project Oriented Organizations.


This paper presents a study that identified the relevant knowledge about the project management process, the factors that influence this process and knowledge management practices (GC) in three Brazilian organizations. The study concluded that the GC is positively impacted more by context than by the practice; Furthermore, there seems to be best KM practices generically. There are best practices for each organizational context. It is hoped that this study add to knowledge Knowledge Management Field Project (PKM - Project Knowledge Management) and indicate directions for future studies on this topic.

Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Messias Shinoda, Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.

Mestre em administração pela FEA-USP.

Antonio Cesar Amaru Maximiano, FEA-USP

Professor Associado do Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.

Roberto Sbragia, Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.

Professor titular do Departamento de Administração da FEA-USP.


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How to Cite

Shinoda, A. C. M., Maximiano, A. C. A., & Sbragia, R. (2015). Knowledge Management in Organizations of Projects Oriented. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 6(1), 95–110.