Project Evaluation and Economic-Financial Management: An Applied Study in the Metalurgy Industry


  • Raquel Alves Moreira Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL
  • Ronaldo Lamounier Locatelli Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL
  • Tarcisio Afonso Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL



Valuation, Project Management, Risks, Steel Industry.


This study aimed to evaluate a newly deployed project in Minas Gerais that is engaged in producing inputs for the steel industry, in terms of generation of value to investors. Cash flows were identified, both in explicit projections and in perpetuity, as well as the capital cost of opportunity necessary to discount the future amounts of cash. The estimated cost of capital requires the pricing of the cost of equity, and in this study was used the conditional CAPM. However, as the company has no shares traded on the stock exchange, it was necessary to use the bottom up method with information from companies with similar risks for estimates of leverage beta (systematic risk measurement proxy). The results show that the company can generate positive value in the various scenarios considered, but only the most daring scenario of increased production and sales could result in amounts consistent with the expectations of shareholders upon realization of investments. The other scenarios would imply operational inefficiencies, as it would result in a low occupation of installed capacity. Furthermore, the Value at Risk (VaR) and the expected value of the project were estimated.

Author Biographies

Raquel Alves Moreira, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL

Mestrado Profissional em Administração da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo – MPA/FPL.

Ronaldo Lamounier Locatelli, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL

Doutor em Economia pela University of London, Inglaterra. Professor da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL.

Tarcisio Afonso, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL

Doutor em Administração pela Ohio University, Estados Unidos. Professor do Curso de Mestrado Profissional em Administração da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo – MPA/FPL.


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How to Cite

Moreira, R. A., Locatelli, R. L., & Afonso, T. (2015). Project Evaluation and Economic-Financial Management: An Applied Study in the Metalurgy Industry. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 6(3), 28–43.

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