A Multi-Source Bibliometric Analysis about Shareholder Value Generation and Project, Portfolio and Program Management


  • Jonas Lucio Maia EAESP FGV
  • Luiz Carlos Di Serio EAESP FGV




Shareholder Value Generation, Project Management, Portfolio Management, Financialization, Bibliometric Research.


The development of a financial concept of the company, the process of Financialization and the demand it imposes on companies to generate Shareholder Value have guided the way company managers make their decisions, including those relating to its projects, programs and portfolios. The aim of this work is to conduct bibliometric research to explore the field of Shareholder Value Generation (SVA) and its relation to Project, Program and Portfolio Management (PPPM) using Web of Science and Google Scholar as sources. The main findings show a recent production (from 2000), dispersed in terms of both authors and journals, which also encompasses terms such as innovation, R & D and IT. Also, it looks like two points of entry for SVA in PPPM exist, both the traditional EVA approach and the one related to marketing themes, such as customer satisfaction, lifecycle value – which should be a feedback for both SVA and PPPM literature.

Author Biographies

Jonas Lucio Maia, EAESP FGV

Pos doutorando em Administracao pela GV

Doutor em Eng Producao pela UFSCar

Luiz Carlos Di Serio, EAESP FGV

Professor EAESP FGV



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How to Cite

Maia, J. L., & Di Serio, L. C. (2017). A Multi-Source Bibliometric Analysis about Shareholder Value Generation and Project, Portfolio and Program Management. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 8(2), 87–108. https://doi.org/10.5585/gep.v8i2.466


