Identification and Mitigation of Risks in it Projects: A Case Study During the Merger Period in the Telecommunications Industry


  • Irapuan Glória Júnior FATEC
  • Marcirio Silveira Chaves PUCRS


Palabras clave:

Project Management, Risk Management, It Projects, Merger, Telecommunications, Risks, Case Study.


This paper identifies risks in IT projects in the merger period in telecommunications companies and proposes mitigation actions. It adopts an interpretive epistemology in an exploratory case study. The results include a list of 13 exclusive risks in IT projects in such a period and recommendations for mitigating the risks identified in the study. The theoretical contribution lies on the identification of 13 exclusive risks in IT projects in the merger period between two telecom companies, and the contribution to practice enables project managers to apply the findings identified and mitigations in risk management in IT projects in a similar setting.

Biografía del autor/a

Irapuan Glória Júnior, FATEC

Professor com mais de 20 anos de experíência e gestor de projetos de TI.


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Cómo citar

Glória Júnior, I., & Chaves, M. S. (2017). Identification and Mitigation of Risks in it Projects: A Case Study During the Merger Period in the Telecommunications Industry. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 8(3), 01–17.
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