Effects of Tourıst Guıdes’ Personal Traıts on Job Attıtude and Job Satısfactıon: A Study in Turkey
Personality Traits, Job Attitude, Job Satisfaction, Tourist Guides, TurkeyResumo
Objective: The aim of the study is to determine effects of tourist guides’ personality traits on their job attitudes and job satisfactions.
Methodology / Approach: The study was structured in quantitative research. As data collection method, survey technique was used. In order to measure personality traits, job attitude and job satisfaction, 600 questionnaires were distributed and 462 questionnaires were collected. Questionnaires with missing or incorrect data were removed and 453 questionnaires were used in total. Reliability, arithmetic mean, correlation and regression analyzes were used in the study.
Originality / Relevance: This study has originality due to the lack of similar studies, as no other article or thesis was found with the same variables or sample belongs to tourist guides.
Main results: Results showed that among personality traits; tourist guides’ responsibility and agreeableness were surpassing. Also, tourist guides’ attitude towards their profession was found to be generally in good and job satisfaction levels were detected as moderate. In addition, as a result of the correlation and regression analyzes, it was determined that personality traits of the tourist guides have had a significant effect on their job attitudes and job satisfaction.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The findings are important to guiding profession and tourist guides career path and tourist guides’ continue to profession and raise vocational commitment and notify relevant persons about tourist guides situations.
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