Comparison of muscle mass index and muscle strength of knee in elderly through the isokinetic dynamometer and sit to stand test in 30 seconds
Elderly, Muscle Strength, Muscle Strength Dynamometer, Knee.Abstract
Aims: compare the muscle mass index and muscle strength of flexors and knee extensors among elderly women and men. Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative study with 105 elderly (37 men and 68 women). The evaluation consisted of anthropometric variables, measurement of muscle strength of the flexors and knee extensors by isokinetic dynamometry and sit and stand test in 30 seconds (TSL30). The data were analyzed by t test for independent samples with significance level was 95% (p<0.05). Results: were found statistically significant differences in muscle mass index, peak torque, fatigue percentage, work and power of the flexor and extensor muscles of the knees at speeds of 60 and 180°/sec. Conclusions: elderly men, even with greater decrease in muscle mass compared to women of the same age, preserve the strength, power and fatigue resistance with higher levels when assessed by isokinetic dynamometer. However, when the force is analyzed by a functional activity, such as TSL30, it was observed that, regardless of sex, elderly showed similar values.
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