Setting expansion of high resistance type IV gypsum (stone) using different handling techniques and several manufacturers


  • Alberto Sansiviero FOSJC - UNESP
  • Jose Roberto de Oliveira Bauer FOUSP
  • Milton Satoiuqui Masuda FOUSP
  • Ricardo Massao Sigemori FOP - Unicamp
  • Marcelo Tavares de Oliveira FOP - Unicamp
  • Carlos Alberto Reis de F. Tavares Junior Unisa
  • Marcos Paulo Barbosa da Silva Uninove



Expansão de presa, Gesso tipo IV (pedra) de alta resistência, Manipulação manual e mecânica.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of manual (M) handling in open air and of vacuum (V) mechanical handling of different brands of high resistance stone gypsum. 48 test specimens were built in a device conceived by Garlipp, Bombonatti, in which setting expansion of test specimens was measured. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Walls and Mann-Whitney tests (0.05) and had demonstrated the following results: Durone IV (M) 0.092a, Durone IV (V) 0.090a. EliteRock (M) 0.085a; EliteRock (V) 0.087a. SilkyRock (M) 0.088a; SilkyRock (V) 0.090a. GilRock (M) 0.085a; GilRock (V) 0.083a. The results permitted to conclude that there is no difference between the types of gypsum tested, nor between the manual handling technique in open air and the vacuum mechanical handling technique.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Sansiviero, FOSJC - UNESP

Doutor - Dentística – FOUSP e Materiais Dentários – FOSJC - UNESP

Jose Roberto de Oliveira Bauer, FOUSP

Mestre e Doutor - Materiais Dentários - FOUSP

Milton Satoiuqui Masuda, FOUSP

Mestre e Doutor - Materiais Dentários – FOUSP

Ricardo Massao Sigemori, FOP - Unicamp

Mestre e Doutor – Clínica Odontológica - Dentística – FOP - Unicamp

Marcelo Tavares de Oliveira, FOP - Unicamp

Mestre – Clínica Odontológica - Dentística – FOP - Unicamp

Carlos Alberto Reis de F. Tavares Junior, Unisa

Especialista e Mestre – Implantodontia – Unisa

Marcos Paulo Barbosa da Silva, Uninove

Acadêmico do Curso de Odontologia – Uninove



How to Cite

Sansiviero A, Bauer JR de O, Masuda MS, Sigemori RM, Oliveira MT de, Tavares Junior CAR de F, et al. Setting expansion of high resistance type IV gypsum (stone) using different handling techniques and several manufacturers. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];7(3):373-8. Available from:


