Prevalence of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren aged 6 to 11 years in an inland city of RS, Brazil


  • Kátia Barbieri Becker Delwing Centro Universitário Univates
  • Claudete Rempel Centro Universitário Univates
  • Simone Morelo Dal Bosco Centro Universitário Univates



Obesity, Overweight, Epidemiology, Nutrition Assessment.


Introduction: The prevention of obesity in childhood and adolescence is justified by the increase in prevalence, with persistence in adulthood. Objective: To identify the anthropometric profile of children between 6 and 11 years, elementary school students of the city Estrela (RS, Brazil). Methods: Participants were 407 students (206 girls and 201 boys). Anthropometric assessment was performed and the nutritional diagnosis was defined according to criteria of the growth curves of WHO. Results: We observed that 12.77% of the students presented overweight, and 9.33% of them, obesity. The prevalence of overweight (12.62%) and obesity (8.73%) was lower in girls than boys (12.93% and 13.93% for the overweight and obesity, respectively). Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between data from schoolchildren in the urban area to rural area, possibly due to nutrition transition stimulated by industrialization that is already in everywhere. Data show the importance of preventive nutritional intervention to promote population health.


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Author Biographies

Kátia Barbieri Becker Delwing, Centro Universitário Univates

Nutricionista, Especialista em Dietoterapia nos Ciclos de Vida pelo Centro Universitário Univates

Claudete Rempel, Centro Universitário Univates

Coordenadora do Curso de Ciências Biológicas Mestre em Sensoriamento Remoto Doutora em Ecologia

Simone Morelo Dal Bosco, Centro Universitário Univates

Doutora em Medicina e Ciências da Saúde. Professora e Coordenadora do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Univates



How to Cite

Delwing KBB, Rempel C, Bosco SMD. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren aged 6 to 11 years in an inland city of RS, Brazil. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2010 Aug. 10 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];9(2):173-8. Available from:



Basic Sciences