Occupation-based practices by brazilian occupational therapists in stroke: a systematic review
Activities of Daily Living, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Physiotherapy. Occupational TherapyAbstract
Introduction: Occupations, as a form of treatment, are one of the most commonly employed approaches in the rehabilitation of Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA); though, little is known about their efficiency compared to other strategies.
Objective: Investigate the effectiveness of occupations in Cerebral Vascular Accident rehabilitation carried out by Brazilian occupational therapists (BOTs).
Methods: Systematic review based on PRISMA. The research question was formulated from the acronym PICO. Terms consulted: Cerebral Vascular Accident; Rehabilitation; and Occupational Therapy. The identified titles were exported to the Rayyan Program, during the selection and eligibility stages, applying terminological criteria of the occupations. Bias analysis was performed using the Cochrane Collaboration Tool. The Kappa test calculated the reliability index.
Results: It was confirmed that Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are the most common strategies also for BOTs. Interest in game therapy was shown in BOTs interventions. Consistency was found in rehabilitation with favorable outcomes for post-stroke recovery based on occupations, but methodological bias compromises the results.
Conclusion: The results are not enough to definitively state that occupation-based practices are more relevant to establishing post-stroke recovery than other approaches carried out by BOTs.
Prospero: CRD42020223565.
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