Discriminant analysis endurance and muscle strength in young sedentary women with chronic low back pain


  • Beatriz Mendes Tozim UNESP
  • Ana Elisa Zuliani Stroppa Marques UNESP
  • Mary Hellen Morcelli UNESP
  • Marcelo Tavella Navega UNESP




Low back pain, Physical endurance, Muscle strength, Discriminant analysis.


Introduction: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) presents neuromuscular dysfunctions, per example, the reduction of muscle strength and endurance. They are essential in performing tasks and postural maintenance. Objective: This study was to characterize the muscle strength and endurance. It checked the discriminant variables to CLBP population. Methods: 35 sedentary young females aged 18 to 27 years old. They were assessed and divided in with CLBP (n=18) and a without LBP (n=17). The assessment included the measurement of pain level (Visual Analogue Scale), isometric strength of trunk extensor muscles (Lumbar Dynamometer) and static endurance of trunk extensors muscles (Biering-Sorensen Test). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance and a Discriminant Analysis were performed adopting a 5% level of relevance. Results: The group with CLBP presented decrease muscle strength (21%; p=0.01) and endurance (71%, p<0,001). The discriminant analysis should diagnostic accuracy to endurance 97.1% and strength 68.7%. Conclusion: Strength and endurance of extensors of trunk extensor muscles discriminant LBPC.


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How to Cite

Tozim BM, Marques AEZS, Morcelli MH, Navega MT. Discriminant analysis endurance and muscle strength in young sedentary women with chronic low back pain. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];17(3):266-72. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/8121


