Proposed improvements in the production process of a bakery using lean manufacturing tools
Bakery, Improvements, Wastes, Lean Manufacturing.Abstract
Lean manufacturing has been widely used in different industrial sectors. Despite being an essential segment for society, lean in the food industry is still little explored, especially in bakeries. Therefore, the objective of this article is to propose improvements in the production process of a medium-sized bakery company using lean manufacturing tools. With interviews with the manager and seven employees of the production line and visits to the factory, the exploratory and qualitative case study was carried out in three stages: product definition, mapping of the current production process, and proposal for process improvements. Seven opportunities for improvement were identified, providing a reduction in the total production time from 5507 to 3998 minutes and 4320 to 2880 minutes in storage time. Finally, the A3 report is proposed and the final considerations are presented, as well as the limitations, contributions, and suggestions for future work.Downloads
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