New matrix natural gas in Brazil

new frontiers, stimulating supply and challengers




natural gas, new market natural gas, thermoelectric, local energy development


The discovery of the Santos basin, in 2007, showed opportunities for the use of natural gas obtained from the exploration of pre-salt oil. In 2011, Petrobras began studies to expand the transport pipeline to take advantage of this wealth. The expansion of the network aimed to supply thermoelectric plants, industries and other consumers. Promoting the replacement by gas of more expensive and polluting energy sources, firewood, coal and fuel oil. Thus, favoring business competitiveness, the environment, security of supply and the reduction of production costs. A part of the expansion was carried out with results considered satisfactory according to the national energy plan. In 2019, the break of Petrobras' gas monopoly, making it uninterested in the continuity of the business, making room for new entrants. The research that provided this exploratory article is strongly supported by public and private documents produced by specialized institutions in the sector. Consultations were made to articles and subject matter experts.


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Author Biographies

Wallace Terra de Carvalho, Universidade Paulista

Universidade Paulista. Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Redes de Empresas

Oduvaldo Vendrametto, Universidade Paulista

Universidade Paulista. Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Redes de Empresas


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How to Cite

Terra de Carvalho, W., & Vendrametto, O. (2022). New matrix natural gas in Brazil: new frontiers, stimulating supply and challengers. Exacta, 22(1), 61–87.