Crowdfunding: Analysis of Satisfaction and Loyalty Behaviors of Brazilian Consumers in The Context of Cultural Products


  • Bartos Bernardes
  • Rafael Lucian
  • Nelsio Abreu



Crowdfunding. Cultural Projects. Consumer Satisfaction. Loyalty. Social Media.


This study aims to measure the relationship between the use of crowdfunding platforms in the achievement of the loyalty and satisfaction of Brazilian consumers, in the context of cultural products available in the specific platforms of collaborative consumption on the web, the crowdfunding experience. The term crowdfunding is used to designate collective financing platforms for the realization of projects. The theoretical framework presents clarifications about cultural products, loyalty, satisfaction and collaborative consumption on the web. The methodological approach adopted was the descriptive research supported by the collection of data collected from Brazilian supporters on the main crowdfunding platform of that country, Catarse. The method of analysis was descriptive, with descriptive statistics to obtain the frequencies, and non-parametric tests of the hypotheses. It was concluded from the analyzes carried out that there is a clear relationship between the use of crowdfunding platforms and the achievement of loyalty and satisfaction of Brazilian consumers, motivated by the characteristics and particularities that permeate the collaborative consumption of cultural products in social networks.


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How to Cite

Bernardes, B., Lucian, R., & Abreu, N. (2018). Crowdfunding: Analysis of Satisfaction and Loyalty Behaviors of Brazilian Consumers in The Context of Cultural Products. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 9(2), 65–79.



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