Project managers' understanding of continuous improvement in project management




Project management, Continous improvement, Project managers, Training, Project principles, Project process


In today's dynamic business world, companies must be able to adapt flexibly to constant change. To maintain their competitive advantage, companies must constantly review and improve their operating protocols. The concept of continuous improvement is based on a process-oriented view and aims to constantly refine the tools used to identify and solve problems. The adoption of the continuous improvement paradigm has steadily gained momentum in the field of project management. A comprehensive review of the existing literature reveals a conspicuous gap in the field of project management - insufficient attention to the integration of continuous improvement principles. In order to close this recognisable knowledge gap, this study examines in detail the role and reception of the philosophy of continuous improvement in the field of project management from the perspective of the project managers themselves. To achieve this goal, the insights and perspectives of project managers were systematically collected and subjected to rigorous analysis using an approach rooted in qualitative research methodology. The results of this research shed light on the high regard that project managers have for the continuous improvement approach. Nonetheless, they lament the incongruity of perspectives within the organizations they work for and point to a pronounced lack of understanding at the corporate level. It becomes clear that cultivating an institutional understanding of continuous improvement is essential for more effective execution of project management and mitigation of deviations from intended outcomes. Following the establishment of organizational awareness and the internalization of the principles of continuous improvement, the subsequent phase necessitates the training, motivation, and the establishment of a priority for continuous improvement throughout the entirety of the project management process.


Author Biographies

Evliya Dağgöl, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University

Master's Degree in Project Management

Tufan Özsoy, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University

Associate Professor.


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How to Cite

Dağgöl, E., & Özsoy, T. (2024). Project managers’ understanding of continuous improvement in project management. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 15(1), 36–68.