Portfolio Development of New Products: A Review of Publications in National Journals


  • Paulo Henrique Antunes UFSC
  • Maurício Johnny Loos UFSC
  • Paulo Augusto Cauchick Miguel UFSC




Portfolio Management, Product Development, Project Selection.


The current context of changes leading organizations to improve the products launched in the market to meet the increasingly demanding consumers. In order to offer products successfully, organizations need to select development projects from a portfolio. The research portfolio management can be considered quite extensively abroad, because much of the theoretical framework used by researchers in Brazil comes from international publications. Thus, it is important to diagnose the publications on the subject in the country. Accordingly, this paper aims to carry out a literature review on portfolio management in a restricted scope to develop new products, main focus of this research project. This work is characterized as theoretical and conceptual, with a systematic review of literature, by searching for articles in databases of national periodicals, followed by registration, organization and verification of these publications. The results allowed a stratification on the subject according to the journals identified in the Scielo database, as well as in specific journals. Also analyzed were the industrial sectors linked to publications, being the predominant financial sector, which is not part of the scope of this research. The study identified a paucity of studies related to portfolio management for new products, principally in relation to the application and implementation in organizations in general.

Author Biography

Paulo Augusto Cauchick Miguel, UFSC

PhD pela Universidade de Birmingham, UK Livre Docente pela Universidade de São Paulo Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

Antunes, P. H., Loos, M. J., & Cauchick Miguel, P. A. (2012). Portfolio Development of New Products: A Review of Publications in National Journals. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 3(1), 50–71. https://doi.org/10.5585/gep.v3i1.49
  • Abstract 251
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 131