The Adoption of Open Innovation in the Internationalization Strategy of Emerging-Market Multinational Enterprises
Open Innovation, R&D Internationalization, Emerging-Market Multinationals.Abstract
The process of internationalization of enterprises in emergent-economy countries has been intensified due to the increasing relevance of these economies in the global scenario. This fact can be verified by the increase of the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) flux coming from emerging-market enterprises. In spite of the similarities with traditional enterprises, the literature points that emerging multinational enterprises make use of differentiated strategies to plan the course of action beyond their country borders. From this perspective, this exploratory study analyses the processes of vertical integration and unbundling of companies in this scenario focusing, above all, the current shift in the innovation paradigm known as open innovation. In this sense, this study performs an analysis of the strategy of emergent multinational enterprises, as well as the role of their subsidiaries, in order to comprehend how the dispersion of R&D activities is done throughout their process of internationalization, and more particularly in Brazilian companies. The study shows, by means of comparisons of theoretical works, that open innovation constitutes a competitive advantage for the emergent multinational corporations that adopt it in the strategies of internationalization of R&D activities, but that, apparently, Brazilian enterprises are not taking the full potential out of it.References
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