The Influence of Principal Risk Factors in Different Stages of Life Cycle of Capital Projects in a Large-Sized Mining Company.


  • Roberto Vendramini Mulisani Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Marcos Paixão Garcez Universidade Nove de Julho



Incertezas. Gerenciamento de Riscos. Projetos de Capital. Mineração.


The outlook for moderate growth in global demand for minerals and metals in the medium term lead mining companies to direct their investments so focused on increasing efficiency, minimizing their costs and risks. This paper presents, as a case study, survey of the main risks that occur in capital projects of a large-sized national mining company and its influence on different phases of the life cycle of these projects. Interviews with project managers, including data collection in workshops focusing on risk management of capital projects, allowed us to know internal and external risks to the project and new risks have not been studied in the literature, increases the importance of this work.


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How to Cite

Mulisani, R. V., & Garcez, M. P. (2014). The Influence of Principal Risk Factors in Different Stages of Life Cycle of Capital Projects in a Large-Sized Mining Company. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 5(1), 28–41.
  • Abstract 276
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 236