The Technologies Features Overload in Mobile Portfolio Management Activity
Gestor de Portfólio Financeiro, Tecnologias Móveis, SobrecargaAbstract
The organizational environment is increasingly embedded in technologies that provide new forms of interaction between individuals and companies. Mobile technologies, positioned in this environment, are technologies that transform by bringing facilities and challenges at the same time. Analyze the participation of these technologies in managerial life is relevant to be able to understand how managers deal with emerging elements of intense integration of its activities with mobile technology and all its possibilities. In this scenario, financial portfolio managers additionally deal with a change in their profession. The capital market profitability decline has caused a number of investment products proliferate, demanding from this manager not only professional skills, but also as manager and financial advisor, in order to better guide their clients in so many new options available. Through a study with 11 managers, sought to deepen in elements regarding the resource overload of mobile technology, and how these professionals perceive the issues addressed in your routine.
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