Research opportunities about measuring agility in software development: a constructivist perspective




Performance evaluation, Agile software development, Decision aiding, Agility


This paper investigates research opportunities in an agile software development process according to constructivist performance evaluation lenses, based on a portfolio of 24 scientific articles relevant to the topic. The instrument used to carry out the systemic analysis was the Proknow-C method (Knowledge Development Process - Constructivist). It was observed in the portfolio that the performance evaluation to measure agility in the context of software development has focused practically on critical success factors and on inflexible models that rank in maturity levels, but without clearly evaluating how much agility is employed. This study addresses relevant research opportunities that seek to identify criteria and to build performance scales for measuring agility based on the values and preferences of the decision makers, who wish to implement the agile philosophy, aligned with the specific strategic of the decision makers objectives and using their singular resources, competences and own organizational culture in order to improve their software development process.

Biografias Autor

Rogério Tadeu de Oliveira Lacerda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor of the postgraduate program in management at UFSC. Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Ewerton Sacco Calvetti, Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Master of management – UFSC. Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Mayara Lucia Bernardes, Federal University of Santa Catarina.

PhD student in the postgraduate program in management – PPGA/UFSC. Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Júlia Fraga Cargnin da Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Graduate Student in Executive Secretariat – UFSC. Federal University of Santa Catarina.


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Como Citar

Lacerda, R. T. de O., Calvetti, E. S., Bernardes, M. L., & da Silveira, J. F. C. (2020). Research opportunities about measuring agility in software development: a constructivist perspective. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 11(2), 37–63.


