Geopolitical analysis of the new scenario in the bidding process for the host cities of the olympic games
Olympic games, Geopolitics, IOCAbstract
Study Objective: To analyze the new conjuncture in the process for bidding to be the host city of the Summer or Winter Olympic Games.
Methodology/Approach: Taking the 1990s as an initial reference point, this qualitative and exploratory research has been conducted, entailing the analysis and synthesis of data and information from secondary sources. The research extensively involves scrutinizing academic articles, books, news reports, and sources published on specialized websites.
Originality/Relevance: The hosting of the Games and the demands imposed by the IOC have been increasingly criticized. A rise in the number of referendums with local inhabitants of bidding cities has resulted in applications being withdrawn throughout the selection process.
Main Results: The results indicate that the new geopolitical scenario has significant implications for the bidding process for the Olympics. An unusual scenario ensues in the geopolitical environment of the Olympics, promoting not only changes in the profile of candidates, but also institutional changes within the IOC itself.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: It can provide a better understanding of the complex relationship between politics, power, and sports events. The research can help to identify key variables that impact the selection process, which can then be further investigated through quantitative studies.
Social/Management Contribution: The research can shed light on the impact of the selection process on society, including its economic, political, and social consequences. It can also inform the decision-making process of the IOC and other stakeholders involved.
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