Psychocentric tourists and influencing factors in the hedonic purchase value of a mass tourist destination
Image of the Destination, Motivation, Crowding perception, Hedonic purchase value, Gramado/RS.Abstract
Objective of the study: This research sought to verify what influences the destination image, motivation and crowding perception could exert on the hedonic purchase value of psychocentric tourists in a mass tourist destination.
Methodology/approach: a quantitative approach was used through a survey as a data collection instrument. Thus, the structured questionnaire was directed to people who visited the city of Gramado/RS, thus obtaining 153 respondents, all valid for the final sample. The data obtained in the research were investigated from the multiple linear regression analysis.
Originality/Relevance: resides in the association of hedonic purchase value with the constructs image of the destination, motivation and perception of crowding with the intention of visiting Gramado/RS.
Main results: the research showed that the destination image construct from the entertainment dimension and the motivation construct positively influence the hedonic purchase value. In this way, it is observed that the hedonic purchase value is not only associated with the utility of the goods and services on which utilitarian consumption is based, but also with the pleasure, self-fulfillment and status that the consumer can relate to the purchase of the good or service.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: the main contribution of this research was to verify that tourists called psychocentric, even with similar characteristics, can, today, have different behaviors based on the new consumption model, the need to be included in society, status, satisfaction and pleasure. Therefore, this research can complement future studies on hedonic purchase value.
Social/Management Contributions: The findings can help in new planning strategies for tourism activity.
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