Multi-dimensional analysis of Santa Catarina resorts guests’ experiences by online reviewers




Resort, Experiences, Reviews, TripAdvisor, Hospitality satisfaction


Objective: This article aims to examine the experiences and perceptions of guests at resorts in Santa Catarina associated with the Associação Brasileira de Resort (ABR).
Methodology/approach: This research is quantitative. We analyzed 540 TripAdvisor reviews. We use Linear Regression Analysis using IBM SPSS v.22 software to identify which dimensions directly influence the overall ranking.
Originality/Relevance: Nine dimensions were used to structure an analysis framework: room, hotel location, service, price, security, food, and beverage service (food and beverage), recreation, structure, and other aspects.
Main results: The analysis shows that customer satisfaction has an influence on eight of the nine dimensions, being FeB service, structure, and service the most found in the comments, and only the dimension of the other subjects was not strongly correlated
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study contributes to advancing literature and insights to improve resort management. It helps to understand customers' decision-making processes and create quantitative scales to measure their business results. In addition, the study highlights that the clients of resorts in Santa Catarina attach importance to cost-benefit. The amount paid reflects the degree of demand for the attributes of the study. Suppose this relationship between price and quality of the service offered is perceived satisfactorily. In that case, the relationship between the consumer and the resort tends to become positive with comments and an indication of post-purchase accommodation.



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Author Biographies

Tércio Pereira, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Bacharel em Administração; MBA em Gestão de vendas e varejo; Especialização em Marketing; Mestrado em Turismo e Hotelaria e Doutorando em Turismo e Hotelaria (UNIVALI).

Letícia Schmitt Muller, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Mestre em Turismo e Hotelaria (UNIVALI)

Marcos Arnhold, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Professor e pesquisador do programa de mestrado e doutorado de Turismo e Hotelaria da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Pablo Flôres Limberger, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Professor e pesquisador do programa de mestrado e doutorado de Turismo e Hotelaria da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí


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How to Cite

Pereira, T., Muller, L. S., Arnhold, M., & Limberger, P. F. (2021). Multi-dimensional analysis of Santa Catarina resorts guests’ experiences by online reviewers. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 10(3), 170–189.


