Competitiveness factors that influence the choice of tourists between airplane transport and high-speed trains: a review of the literature published in english (1995-2020)




Tourism, Transport, Competitiveness, Air transport, High speed rail


Objective of the study: Analyze the topics on competitiveness between air transport and high-speed train, published in international journals, understanding the evolution of the number of works published over the years and evaluating the approach to which competitiveness factors influence the decision of passengers by transport modes.
Methodology/approach: Bibliographic review, applying the bibliometric analysis method, of international articles, through the Scopus database. The application of the results took place by pointing out the most studied competitiveness factors over time, presented through tables and graphs.
Originality/relevance: Transport is an intrinsic component of tourism, however, the literature makes low connections between both, in terms of analyses about competitiveness. In addition, there is a lack of national studies on the subject or that encourage the production of research dealing with the subject.
Main results: The most studied factors that are shown to influence the choice of modal are: distance and access to the terminals; frequency of matches; price; time of travel; and reliability. In addition to others that are not as frequent in studies, such as environmental issues, safety and comfort, it’s recognized a trend in addressing these factors.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: (i) presents an overview of the themes addressed in international publications on competitiveness between air and rail modes; (ii) indicates the evolution of the number of works published on the subject; (iii) indicates which are the eight main factors of competitiveness between the modes, addressed in the articles analyzed.



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Author Biography

Mariana Pereira dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

Técnica em Eventos e graduanda em Turismo


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How to Cite

Braga, D. C., Paixão, C. V. da, de Brito Pereira, I., & Santos, M. P. dos. (2021). Competitiveness factors that influence the choice of tourists between airplane transport and high-speed trains: a review of the literature published in english (1995-2020). PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 10(3), 190–220.



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