“Manto da massa”: belonging, co-creating, and engaging in a historical campaign of official shirt sales in brazilian football (soccer)





Reference group, Co-creation of value, Appreciation for promotion, Engagement, Football management


The objective of the study: the present study sought to analyze engagement, the feeling of belonging to the group, the co-creation of value and income in the "O Manto da Massa" campaign, which generated 100,000 shirts sold in 8 days by Clube Atlético Mineiro, a historical campaign of commercialization in the Brazilian sport management scenario.
Methodology/approach: 555 questionnaires answered and validated were treated using a multivariate quantitative methodology (Structural Equation Modeling and ANOVA).
Originality/Relevance: this article contributes to advancing the literature on the ecosystem of services, in sports marketing, based on consumer experiences in value co-creation. To this end, it analyzed the importance of belonging to the group and the value co-creation in the engagement of soccer club fans in the commercial results of the uniform launch campaigns, studying the most successful uniform marketing campaign of a Brazilian soccer club.
Main results: among the findings, it stands out that the greater the individual's sense of belonging, the greater the engagement and the desire to participate in the co-creation processes of the uniform with the supplier. Moreover, that engagement via co-creation is greater than engagement just by belonging. It is also possible to maintain that when there is engagement in the buyer's disclosure so that others also consume, the greater their own volume of purchase, in addition to observing that the appreciation of the promotion decreases as the buyer's income increases.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: the present manuscript advances understanding the importance of belonging and the co-creation of value in consumer behavior and football club campaigns. It proposes that social media engagement be a mediating variable between belonging, co-creation, and the consumer's volume of purchase. There is also an important contribution to studies on the appreciation of promotion.
Social/management contributions: this article advances the analysis of behaviors that impacted the historic marketing campaign for uniforms co-created by fans of a football club, illuminating management strategies for clubs that want results like those obtained by Clube Atlético Mineiro in the campaign "O Manto da Massa".



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Author Biography

Christian Gomes e Souza Munaier, Universidade de São Paulo (FEA - USP)

PhD Candidate at FEA-USP
Professor at FIA and PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Gomes e Souza Munaier, C. (2021). “Manto da massa”: belonging, co-creating, and engaging in a historical campaign of official shirt sales in brazilian football (soccer). PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 10(4), 81–108. https://doi.org/10.5585/podium.v10i4.18962