Influence of sports performance and adhesion to Profut on the debt ratios of Brazilian’s football clubs
Indebtedness, Sports performance, Profut, Football clubs.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the influence of sports performance and adhesion to PROFUT on the indebtedness level of Brazilian football clubs.
Methodology: 23 clubs were analyzed from 2013 to 2017, using linear regression with panel data, controlling for fixed effects.
Originality/Relevance: there is a shortage of studies that analyze the capital structure of football clubs, especially considering the accounting changes brought about by ITG 2003 (2013) and by Law 13.155/2015 (PROFUT).
Main results: Sports performance showed a significant and positive result, as well as PROFUT, in the debt ratios of football clubs, indicating that those with better sports performance and who adhered to PROFUT tend to have a greater share of indebtedness in their capital structure . The results obtained allow the conclusion that Profut may not be efficient and fulfilling its purpose of increasing the financial balance of the clubs. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the program and, especially, the monitoring and regulation mechanisms.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: expand the literature on the capital structure of football clubs and its determinants and analysis of adherence to PROFUT in the indebtedness of Brazilian clubs.
Social contributions/to management: findings are relevant to the management of football clubs, which have historically suffered from administrative problems and are seeking improvements in their management and for evaluating the efficiency of PROFUT.
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