The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation in the effect of tourism industry employees' fear of COVID-19 and death perceptions on their psychological distress
COVID-19 fear, Perception of death, Psychological distress, Cognitive emotion regulation, Tourism industry employeesAbstract
Study objective: This study aims to determine the mediator role of cognitive emotion regulation in the effect of the perception of death and fear of COVID-19 experienced by tourism sector employees on their psychological distress.
Methodology/approach: The research is a cross-sectional study of quantitative research methods. The research data were collected and analyzed with the help of scales from the tourism sector employees operating in Antalya and Muğla, Turkey's tourism regions.
Originality/Value: It shows that cognitive emotion regulation ability is important for tourism workers who work in close contact with tourists from different parts of the world and carry different variants of infectious diseases to cope with their psychological distress.
Main results: Research results show that cognitive emotion regulation predicts psychological distress. Another finding shows that cognitive emotion regulation reduces the perception of death and fear of COVID-19 and that one psychological state also affects the other.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: In the research, it can be argued that examining the four variables related to the psychological state of the tourism sector employees who come from various parts of the world and interact with people carrying different disease viruses (nowadays monkeypox) will make a significant contribution to the literature, practice and method.
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