Entrepreneurship and disasters in the tourism sector





Entrepreneurship, Catastrophes, Tourism, disasters


Objective: This theoretical essay aims to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship and catastrophes in the tourism sector.
Method: A bibliographic research was carried out in databases such as Emerald Insight, Scopus, Spell, Springer and Web of Science. In total, 372 articles were found and among them 24 were considered valid since they relate the themes of entrepreneurship and disasters in tourism.
Relevance/originality: Research on these themes raises the question of building niches and resilience. Thus, the generic approach strategy helps to keep companies active in the midst of crises. Resilience is the driving force behind reinventing business management in the midst of catastrophes.
Main results: It can be seen that crisis management and entrepreneurial training are the main convergences identified. Innovation, entrepreneurial vulnerability for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions for disasters and catastrophes are differentiating characteristics that involve the two constructs.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The findings reveal scientific advances by indicating that, even in adverse contexts of catastrophes, it is essential to invest in training the entrepreneurs themselves and their team to have the knowledge to manage organizations.



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How to Cite

Silva Spindola Correia, A. M., & Vasconcelos Pereira, Y. (2023). Entrepreneurship and disasters in the tourism sector. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 12(2), 335–366. https://doi.org/10.5585/podium.v12i2.22671


