Community-based tourism and networks: an analysis of the collaborative relationships in the Tucum Network, Brazil
Collaborative Relationships, Community-based tourism, Network, Tucum Network.Resumo
Objective: The paper aims to analyze the collaborative relationships within the Community Tourism Network of Ceará (Tucum Network), based on the levels of collaboration of Tolkach, King & Pearlman (2013).
Methodology/Approach: Data was collected through bibliographic and documentary research and interviews with network´s members. The method of approach was qualitative and the data were analyzed using content analysis.
Originality/Relevance: The research is relevant due to the fact that studies on community-based tourism in Brazil focus mainly on the structure and processes, or the concepts and precepts of this form of tourism organization, with little emphasis on the collaborative relationships between the various members.
Main Results: The results showed that the first level of collaboration is influenced both by the formation of community ties and by external factors. At the second level, the role of non-governmental organizations was identified as a support link between the various communities, as they stimulate the connections between community-based tourism initiatives. Finally, at the third level, the process of collaboration between Network members is weakened, mainly due to barriers in the communication process and lack of resources faced by the Network and the communities, causing connections to be disjointed.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: A deeper understanding of how these collaborative relationships occur in the Tucum Network has made it possible to identify obstacles to be solved and successes to be strengthened, which may contribute to the strengthening of tourism in these communities.
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