Evolution and characteristics of the hospital performance avaliation: a literature review





Hospital units, Performance evaluation, Health evaluation, ProKnow-C.


The aim of this study is to analyze international publications’ characteristics on hospital performance evaluation, through a fragment of the literature, seeking knowledge generation, identification of gaps and possibility of participation. This research applies a qualitative approach and the instrument used to identify and select the literature fragment to be analyzed and reflected on was the Constructivist Knowledge Development Process (ProKnow-C). The bibliographic portfolio was composed by 43 articles and identified the authors, the main research/study group and the journals with the largest number of publications. Regarding the most used methods in ADH, emphasis was given to those based on the Efficient boundary theory, classified as: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA - 53.85%), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA - 12.82%), comparison between DEA and SFA (7.69%) and Partial Border Analysis (2.56%). Regarding employment or dimensions analyzed, 38.46% of articles were focused on managers. From the generated analyzes it was possible to identify gaps, the performance evaluation mechanisms focused on the dimensions that go beyond the measures. For the generation and application of knowledge in this area, it is suggested the adaptation of ADH according to its specificities, considering the environment and the finality of the system that the hospital analyzed operates within.



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Author Biography

Eduardo Lima Leite Nascimento, Universidade Federal de santa Catarina (UFSC)



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How to Cite

Nascimento, E. L. L., Calvo, M. C. M., Ensslin, S. R., & Valmorbida, S. M. I. (2020). Evolution and characteristics of the hospital performance avaliation: a literature review. Revista De Gestão Em Sistemas De Saúde, 9(3), 454–478. https://doi.org/10.5585/rgss.v9i3.14768


