Barriers to the implementation and practice of early rehabilitation in critical patients in the ICU




Cuidados críticos, Especialidade de Fisioterapia, Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, Reabilitação


Introduction: Early rehabilitation can minimize the loss of strength and functionality caused by acquired muscle weakness in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); however, its practice still faces obstacles for full implementation.
Objective: To identify barriers to the implementation and execution of early rehabilitation in critically ill patients.
Methodology: Barriers related to the patient, the process, structural barriers, and cultural barriers were analyzed through a structured questionnaire. Forty-four healthcare professionals working in the ICUs of two hospitals participated in the survey.
Results: The most cited barriers related to the patient were hemodynamic instability (85.8%), loss of devices (58.9%), and endotracheal intubation (55.3%). In structural barriers, the lack of guidelines or protocols was identified. Cultural and process-related barriers included the absence of a responsible professional to assess patients eligible to start rehabilitation.
Conclusion: The full implementation of early rehabilitation in the two studied hospitals is hindered by numerous barriers, especially those related to the patient and structural issues.



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How to Cite

Azer BTS, Silva YP, Lenci SS, Oliveira TB de, Silva LDN, Annoni R. Barriers to the implementation and practice of early rehabilitation in critical patients in the ICU. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];22(1):e23261. Available from:


