Multicriteria decision-making method applied to optimized reinforced concrete, steel, and wood beams
structures, beams, optimization, decision making, AHP MethodResumo
Optimization techniques have been increasingly used to obtain structures of lower cost or weight. However, the result obtained depends on the choice of materials. This can be based on factors such as cost, performance, and environmental impacts, as well as subjective aspects such as the cultural issue. This work adopts a multicriteria decision method to compare optimized reinforced concrete, steel, and wood beams to subsidize the choice of the best material. The criteria adopted were weight, height, cost, environmental impact, and culture. For this analysis, beams of the three materials were optimized to minimize cost and impact, considering the same loading and spans. The results were evaluated using the Analytical Hierarchical Decision Method (AHP). It was observed a great influence of cost and culture in the choice of a material favoring the wooden beam for the smallest span and the reinforced concrete beam for the largest span studied.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Moacir Kripka, Karol Mezzomo, Zacarias Chamberlain Pravia

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